



Sklo, či už priehľadnosťou, tvárnosťou alebo optickými vlastnosťami je podobné vode a zároveň odlišné svojim skupenstvom, svojou konečnou podobou a svojim opracovaním. Moja inšpirácia pochádza z môjho pobytu v Nórsku, z rozľahlých jazier a fjordov, daždivých dní v Bergene a z prechádzok pri pobreží. Hlavným cieľom prác bolo zachytenie pohybu vody. Pri vertikálnom pohybe som túto vlastnosť znázornila pomocou farby, ktorá pretekala tabuľou skla. Vďaka technike Pâte de verre, ktorou boli tieto objekty vytvorené, sú schopné nasiaknuť vodu medzi sklenenú fritu. Podobne ako nám chystá život úskalia, dala som do smeru tečenia prekážky v tvare jednoduchých línií, ktoré musí farba obtekať. Vznikol tak kontrast medzi farbou a čírym sklom, ale aj jemný prechod vďaka rozpíjaniu farby. Druhým princípom šírenia sa vody je horizontálny pohyb. Kombináciou rôznych techník odlievania som pomocou hutného skla vytvorila sklenené vlny. Vzniknutá inštalácia toku vody vytvára na jednej jej strane líniu, z ktorej vizuálne vyteká sklo. Zachytila som tak kvapalnosť vody pomocou tekutosti skla. Všetky tieto práce boli vytvorené v S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery v nórskom Bergene, počas mojej pracovnej stáže.

Patrícia Šichmanová


The Fluidity

Glass, through its transparency,formability and optical properties is similar to water and at the same timesignificantly different. I draw my inspiration from my experience during my stay in Norway, its extensive lakes and fjords, rainy days in Bergen and walks by the coast. The main aim of the work was capturing water movement. I depicted vertical movement using color running through glass sheet. Using technique Pâte de verre I have created objects that are able to soak water through glass frit. Just as life is putting problems in our way, I have put obstacles in the form of simple lines against flow of color. It resulted in contrast between color and clear glass, but also different saturation due to color diffusion. The second principle of spreading of the water is horizontal movement. Using variety of casting techniques I have created glass waves. Hot casted glass emphases even more stopped movement of glass. This glass installation is straight on one side, from where glass is leaking out. I captured the fluidity of the water through the flow of glass. All these works were created at S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery in Bergen, Norway, during my internship.

Patrícia Šichmanová

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My Master Project focused research on the fluidity of glass and water by
analyzing its properties, movement and kinetics. Glass, through its transparency,
formability and optical properties is similar to water and at the same time
significantly different. I draw my inspiration from my experience during my
stay in Norway, its extensive lakes and fjords, rainy days in Bergen and walks by
the coast. The main aim of the work was capturing water movement. I depicted
vertical movement using color running through glass sheet. Using technique
Pâte de verre I have created objects that are able to soak water through glass
frit. Just as life is putting problems in our way, I have put obstacles in the
form of simple lines against flow of color. It resulted in contrast between color
and clear glass, but also different saturation due to color diffusion. The second
principle of spreading of the water is horizontal movement. Using variety of
casting techniques I have created glass waves. Hot casted glass emphases even
more stopped movement of glass. This glass installation is straight on one side,
from where glass is leaking out. I captured the fluidity of the water through the
flow of glass. All these works were created at S12 Open Access Studio and
Gallery in Bergen, Norway, during my internship.

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